Wednesday 20 June 2007

Sales Page Buying Triggers - Powerful Information!


This brand new resource contains some of the most powerful "selling" information I've ever seen:

Millions Through Mind Control

I'm sure you've seen how some expertly written sales copy suck their prospects in like a dyson and achieve conversion rates that border on the unbelievable. It's not random, and it's not luck. Almost certainly, these sales pages are employing barely known techniques that play on the basic human psychological responses that we all share. What you'll learn here are powerful sales page buying triggers that you can apply to any product and dramatically improve your product perception and sales.

** Phrases That Urge Your Prospects To Buy Now... What I like about this book is that it goes well beyond just explaining how NLP and your prospects mind works. After explaining to you the "why's" it takes a wonderful leap into the "how's". This is what's really going to help improve your sales letters by leaps and bounds: - There are actual proven phrases that you can use to get your prospects to trust you more and dramatically improve your chances of success.

- There are numerous headlines that help to control your prospects minds. You learn how to use suggestive writing to almost command your prospects to take action and order now. - It even goes into details such as the fonts and colours you should use, the way you should format your sales page and far more. This is a brand new eBook, barely days old - and given that you get a standard resell rights licence with's worth checking out for the resell potential alone. Of course, what you'll learn inside could benefit your bottom line sharply too:

Millions Through Mind Control

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