Friday 29 June 2007

90% Off On The Awesome "Resell Rights Bootcamp" Course!


Resell rights can be highly potent in come generation tools. Sadly, a huge number of resellers either make an unsatisfactory return, or nothing at all for their efforts. I'll bet none of them have taken the Resell Rights Bootcamp:

This is an awesome resource put together by Liz Tomey and John Hostler. It includes one of the most powerful mixes of video, audio and PDF that has ever been put together on the topic if resell rights. It's going to create some resell rights tycoons, without a doubt. When I saw it, I had to grab the master resell rights - and per the licence terms I'm offering it to you (with the same rights) at the lowest possible investment allowed.

You should know that this is the exact same, ground-breaking information that several people recently paid almost five hundred bucks to get hold of. If you're in the market for resell rights then here's a tiny sample of what you'll learn inside the bootcamp: - How to get your clients to buy several products from you at one time (and it has nothing to do with OTO's).

-The little known secrets of developing a bucket load of in come using nothing but the resell rights already lurking in your hard drive. - Ways of finding high demand new rights packages before the crowd gets at them. - How to guide hordes of hungry resellers onto your sites and have them ordering several products from your digital inventory. - Developing a resell rights buyers list. - There are videos, audios, worksheets and more to help you learn quickly and effectively.

As mentioned, you're getting access to the same revolutionary information that people have paid almost five hundred bucks a ninety percent discount. It really is a David investment for a Goliath package.

Thursday 28 June 2007

Cash For Content - How To Make Content Pay Your Bills...


This is an awesome new resource that will help newbies and those that are seriously struggling to make a solid in come online. Resellers should also note that it comes with master resell rights, and the appetite for this kind of package is very strong:

It's called "Cash For Content" and it lays out a step by step system that shows anyone and everyone exactly how to develop a successful revenue generating content biz from scratch. There's 123 pages here, including detailed instruction on the following: - A simple yet powerful work-from-home model that anyone can use to finally generate a powerful in come from home.

If you're just starting out, the knowledge and resources here will benefit you in a big way (hint check out the testimonials on the page). - How to instantly use your own knowledge to create a portfolio of content products...each of which will spin off a substantial windfall for you. Again, and again. - Discover the best paying websites that you ought to partner with...finally start your residual in come stream (i.e do the work once, yet keep getting financial gains for years down the line). - Methods to supercharge your productivity and create in a month what most would take six months or more to do.

The thing is, these methods are specifically for those who are struggling online at the moment. Those without a unique product, and those with little or no experience. Plus, master resell rights mean that anyone with a list could potentially multiply the tiny investment required to add this new gem to their product portfolios:

Wednesday 27 June 2007

New - Audio & Content PLR For Several Biz Topics!


Today, I have some big business related private label rights - in both audio & written format. And not only will you get the PLR in both formats, but also the master rights to resell the PLR itself:

The NMS Audio Plr Pack

So, what are the topics? Well there are EIGHT topics that practically all businesses need to get on top of in order to grow and prosper. And the popularity for these topics are intense. Let's take a look at one of these now:

(1) Advertising - It's What Every Company Needs To Do & What Every Manager Will Pay To Understand. When I first started online I invested a small fortune in resources to learn how to advertise. After all, a company can rise or fall depending on how economically and eficiently it can broadcast it's message to a targeted audience. So it comes as no surprise that there are over 56 million searches in Google alone for the term "advertising" every month. That makes the audio and written content on this subject highly valuable.

(2) The Others... What other topics do you get with audio (mp3) and written priavte label rights? Here's a taster: - Selling solutions & tactics - In come generation insights - Tested buying triggers - Persuasion tactics - And quite a bit more... If these master PLR packages would benefit you but you fear some insane level of investment required to make them yours, don't worry... anyone and everyone can afford these:

The NMS Audio Plr Pack

Friday 22 June 2007

New PLR Package In A Hot Niche (Get Returns Of 35 Bucks Per Lead)

You might be aware that the online dating industry has caught fire recently. A lot of website owners in this niche are making out like bandits with nothing but a simple content website. If you would like to know how to join them through a brand new PLR & website package then take a look here:

Now, some more information for you about this niche.

1. Why Online Dating Is Such An Attractive Niche To Own A Content Website. Usually, in a boom everyone benefits. And it follows that website owners really are spoilt within the online dating industry. Take a look at these facts: - Over four million people search for "online dating" in the search engines every month. - Because of competition between the leading membership sites, leading pay-per-lead rates are thirty five bucks per lead, and you can get one hundred and forty per (full) membership sign up. You'll get all this information within the package saving you hours of dull research. - The growth of this industry has stunned analysts, and an increasing number of singles are turning to online dating sites to find potential partners. According to research done by CNN, this niche has grown by over a hundred and ten percent within three years (and still set to grow for years into the future).

2. The Online Dating PLR Package - What's Included For You. There's everything you need to get started immediately within this niche: - Set of professionally designed website templates that yield in come from the pay per lead, adsense and partner programs we have already discussed. Simply add your links where instructed on the templates and upload to your're ready to go in minutes. - Full private label rights to over 20,000 words of online dating content. This gives you the power to create as many additional resources as you wish, from viral eBooks/articles and blogs to further member sites. - A success toolkit brimming with resources on how to drive a spectacular amount of traffic to your website within the online dating niche. There's details of a cunning new method that you can use to attract loads of zero cost traffic and have it running amuck on your sites, clicking every link in sight. - Much more including a kit that will also enable to create your very own online dating member sites. Here's where you can grab it:

Please note - you can only get this package through our sites. It's brand new and because you're part of my highly valued NMS family, you're getting a seventy five percent discount to the standard offer. Oh and look out for the bonuses...there are six big one's that will save you a tonne (and are worth more than the tiny investment for the entire package).

Membership Site Creation Toolkit - Develop & Market Your Own Member Sites!

In the US alone, over 5 billion is spent on access of protected content online - i.e. membership sites. This is very much a growth industry, and when you think our world is now in the "information age", it's plain obvious that one of the most wanted and valuable commodities of our time will be quality information.

People now will pay big bucks for quality information. Today, I have a brand new resource for you that helps you to create, manage and market your very own membership sites. It includes software that can handle the management of your members, and a 190+ page course that will teach you how to get more paid members than you could ever handle:

1. Why Your Own Membership Sites? Membership sites are powerful assets to own. Depending on the type of site, it's possible to generate in come of a few thousand to tens of thousands...every month. Membership sites apply to most niches from internet marketing to real estate. The thing is many successful membership sites - the one's you see with thousands of members that pull in a monthly kings ransom are being operated at home by entrepreneurs just like us. There's no reason why you cannot join them.

2. Many Levels, Multiple In Comes... One of the best things about membership sites are their ability to allow the owner to weild multiple in comes from different types of members. Clearly, on top of the list are the gold-type members who contribute for top level access to the best content/products on your site. But membership sites can also generate revenues from basic (zero cost) members too - by joining your membership sites members are in constant contact with your site. They log in frequently. They sign up to your newsletter. This allows you to make them backend offers through your site and newsletter.

3. Can You Really Set-Up A Member Site By Yourself? A couple of years ago it could set you back some serious capital to have a member site developed. Either you hired a very good programmer or go with one of the mainstream membership management options. Either way your pockets would be significantly lighter afterwards. Today, you can create your own membership site and promote it like an expert with the

Briefly, this toolkit includes: - Membership site creation software that can handle automatic subscription creation as well as recurring subscription functionality through Paypal. - A comprehensive membership site marketing course that shows you how you can get your member sites promoted like an absolute pro (believe it or not it's far easier to promote member sites that standard static products/sites).

For less than thirty sheets it's an investment that anyone considering a move into membership sites should seriously consider.

P.S. I'm not surprised that the "Mind Control Millions" resource went like popcorn. It's probably the most powerful "selling" information you'll ever read and people have paid hundreds to attend seminars with this exact same info - and to get the same list of psychological "order-now" commands that you're getting.

Wednesday 20 June 2007

Sales Page Buying Triggers - Powerful Information!


This brand new resource contains some of the most powerful "selling" information I've ever seen:

Millions Through Mind Control

I'm sure you've seen how some expertly written sales copy suck their prospects in like a dyson and achieve conversion rates that border on the unbelievable. It's not random, and it's not luck. Almost certainly, these sales pages are employing barely known techniques that play on the basic human psychological responses that we all share. What you'll learn here are powerful sales page buying triggers that you can apply to any product and dramatically improve your product perception and sales.

** Phrases That Urge Your Prospects To Buy Now... What I like about this book is that it goes well beyond just explaining how NLP and your prospects mind works. After explaining to you the "why's" it takes a wonderful leap into the "how's". This is what's really going to help improve your sales letters by leaps and bounds: - There are actual proven phrases that you can use to get your prospects to trust you more and dramatically improve your chances of success.

- There are numerous headlines that help to control your prospects minds. You learn how to use suggestive writing to almost command your prospects to take action and order now. - It even goes into details such as the fonts and colours you should use, the way you should format your sales page and far more. This is a brand new eBook, barely days old - and given that you get a standard resell rights licence with's worth checking out for the resell potential alone. Of course, what you'll learn inside could benefit your bottom line sharply too:

Millions Through Mind Control

Tuesday 19 June 2007

Master Rights Magic - Five Screaming New Packages


I'm a little stressed. Somehow, I've got to squeeze in details of five storming new master rights packages within this email and frankly I'm not sure I can. In case you're a fan of the quicklink, here you go:

Here's some more information about what's inside the new "Master Rights Magic" pack:

1. Package 1 - How To Buy Ready Made Biz's & Sites On Ebay In the "old world" a very vague rule of thumb for buying a biz is that you should expect to fork out roughly 20 times the in come it's bringing in a year. In the "new online world" everything is different and there are some major factors that must be considered before adding a website to your online biz portfolio via sites like eBay. One of the biggest issues on eBay and other sites like Sitepoint that offer these sites are the abundance of con-men and cheats.

Given that the average established site goes for hundreds to even hundreds of thousands, it's very important to know exactly what you're getting - and equally, what you're not getting. That's exactly what "Buying Websites On eBay" teaches - how to sidestep the rubbish and identify the real website gems on eBay. It's a very popular niche so these are master rights you'll want in your collection asap.

2. Package 2 - Ebooks On Ebay Love it or hate it, eBay is one of those sites you have to take seriously. It has a bounty of prospects for almost every niche known to man and this book shows you how to tap into those leads through offering your eBooks in relevant categories. This is a comprehensive, 63 page book and it does go the extra mile to show the reader exactly how to shift your eBooks by the thousands.

3. Package 3 - Adsense Unleashed The package that claims to teach readers the strategies to go from zero to a hundred bucks in thirty days. I'm not certain about that, but certainly solid comprehensive advice and a crisp, effective reseller kit.

4. Package 4 & 5 - Clickgate & Traffic Resources Clickgate Pro is a new password protection type software and there's also a traffic generation guide to complete the full suite of products. I've really strioved to keep your investment for this brand new master rights compilation as low as possible. So I've made MR Magic available for less than twenty sheets:

Setting Up Powerful Adsense Blogs - Superb Strategies For Newbies


Blogs and Adsense are a little like fresh, hot crusty bread and butter - they go perfetcly together. Today, we'll discuss some of the virtues of setting up your own blogs, and if you're a newbie, why this could be a great way to kick start an online in come for you. First, if you'd rather just speed to the new audio & eBook guide on using blogs to generate in come, click here:

It comes with master resell rights. 1. Why Blogs Are Such A Great Way To Start Your Online In Come When newbies first start trying to generate an in come online, they're faced with certain challenges: -

Technical barriers: Most newbies aren't programmers and cannot even set-up their own websites. - Cost barriers: They don't have major budgets to sign up for heavy CMS systems/site creation packages. Most will have a little dough for web hosting and a bob or two for marketing and perhaps joining a membership site.

- Lack of product: No-one starts with their own unique product. This is why blogs are a perfect start-up project for newbies. It's completely zero-cost to set-up a blog with Blogger, and to get Adsense running. And of course they can use affiliate programs to generate further in come until they have the resources, confidence and skill to develop their own products.

Plus, it's dead simple to set-up a blog with blogger - it's point and click stuff so even grandmama can hack it. 2. How Blogs Become Successful... Yes, you need to create unique content regularly. But there's more to in come generating blogging that the non-IM community just don't get. It's the online promotion of your blog that will help it find the eyes (and bookmarks) of your target prospects. There are some key promotion steps that you can take to make sure your blogs get noticed - and when they do, the way their popularity can snowball can be shocking.

One of the best resources to making an actual in come with blogs - even if you happen to be a newbie - is

There's a good amount of information and audio on setting up your blogs, why blogging is the future, and the promo techniques that work to get your blogs seen and noticed quickly. The pack also comes with master resell rights.

** Reminder About the Web 2.0 Starter Kit There was a pretty strong response to the Web 2.0 Starter Kit I showed you in the last newsletter. I'm sure by now you've heard a lot about what a huge impact web 2.0 is set to make for all of us. The starter kit is a collection of brand new resources, software and books that hands you practically everything you need in order to embrace web 2.0 full on:

This one also comes with master resell rights to all the resources inside.

P.S. If blogging is your thing, remember that you can still grab the popular "Bloggers Buddy"

Web 2.0 Starter Kit - Resources, Software & Master Rights


If MME3 has taught you one thing, it should be that web 2.0 is rapidly gaining momentum. At the moment, it's a few elite, high budget sites that are leading the way - and if the headlines are to be believed, they're certainly raking in the green. But Web 2.0 is not a flash in the pan - soon, your site visitors will expect nothing less, and if you can't give them the browsing experience that your competitors can...well, they just might not come back.

On the flip side, the good news is that web 2.0 has given us all a brand new avenue for promotion. It's true that 99% of site owners haven't caught on, but it's possible to use it to tap into a fresh and responsive pool of prospects that can quickly translate into a bursting opt in list & bottom line for you. On that cheery note, I'd like to introduce the :

In a nutshell, here's what it includes: - Knowledge & Information: Understand exactly what web 2.0 is and how it might impact your sites and the niches you're in. - Cutting Edge Software: Put streaming video on your sites, and start sending multimedia messages to your clients. -

Marketing WIth Web 2.0: Learn how to tap into sites like You Tube and Craigs List to generate tonnes of subscribers and customers. The best thing is that all the new software & resources inside the kit come with master resell rights - so aside from using it, you can also sell it and recoup many multiples of your investment should you wish.

New Multimedia PLR Package - In Niche With Explosive Commissions


When you see a niche where it's possible to generate almost one and a half thousand bucks from every thousand visitors, you really do have to sit-up and take notice. The PLR package I have for you today is brand new, and possibly the most powerful I've ever shared with you. There's three set of site website templates, heaps of digital video/photos, PLR content and a guide to help you succeed:

Here's some important information about the travel niche - and why you should consider adding this to your niche-site portfolio immediately: -

The excitement starts with the underlying (and dramatic) trend change that's turned the travel industry upside down. Over half of all travel and holiday bookings are now undertaken online, and with the templates you're going to scoop up with this package, you can generate hefty commissions from this. - It's estimated that by 2015, over 70% of all travel and holiday will be booked online.

Here's a quote from Miles Morgan (CEO of Thomson Travel - one of the biggest within the sector in U.K.): "Travel websites are effectively becoming virtual travel agents. The days when people picked a holiday from a brochure and walked into a travel agent to book are over. We have seen massive growth in online bookings over the past year."

The type of travel websites Mr Morgan is talking about are the very same ones that you're about to own with private label rights:

By the way, this PLR package also includes a lot of multimedia video that you can edit and use to generate tonnes of search engine traffic (by creating tiny, viral mini-videos within minutes and submitting them all over the web) - and by make your travel websites stand out with video clips targeted to the destination your visitors are interested in. The package has cost a fortune to develop, yet you can grab it today for a small fraction of that: